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NativeSOC unifies separate functions into a single agent and platform architecture. Protection is provided for public clouds, private clouds, and on-premise data centers.

Endpoint Security

Configuration Assessment

Security Configuration Assessment (SCA) involves assessing system settings and configurations to ensure they comply with security best practices and standards. NativeSOC has an SCA module that identifies misconfigurations and vulnerabilities on monitored endpoints. This capability helps you manage your attack surface efficiently to improve your security posture.

  • Vulnerability Detection

  • Integrated compliance Management

  • System Hardening

  • Continuous Monitoring

  • Extensive configuration Checks

  • Reporting and Analysis

Malware Detection

Malware detection comprises strategies and tools to detect malware threats. The NativeSOC SIEM and XDR platform uses several advanced malware detection techniques for a wide range of malware, including ransomware, rootkits, spyware, adware, trojans, viruses, and worms. Leverage the following NativeSOC malware detection capabilities to secure your IT assets.

  • Real time cross-platform protection

  • Ransomware protection

  • Rootkit detection

  • Extensible integrations for malware detection

  • Advanced rulesets and decoders

  • Centralized threat visualization

Malware Detection

Malware detection comprises strategies and tools to detect malware threats. The NativeSOC SIEM and XDR platform uses several advanced malware detection techniques for a wide range of malware, including ransomware, rootkits, spyware, adware, trojans, viruses, and worms. Leverage the following NativeSOC malware detection capabilities to secure your IT assets.

  • Real time cross-platform protection

  • Ransomware protection

  • Rootkit detection

  • Extensible integrations for malware detection

  • Advanced rulesets and decoders

  • Centralized threat visualization

File Integrity Monitoring

The NativeSOC File Integrity Monitoring (FIM) module monitors and alerts on changes to critical files and directories. This module helps organizations meet compliance requirements and quickly detect file changes that indicate a compromise or cyber-attack.

  • Real Time monitoring

  • Security Breach Detection

  • Regulatory Compliance

  • Centralized Management

  • Scalability

  • Cross Platform Support

Threat Intelligence

Threat Hunting

NativeSOC is a leading security solution that equips organizations with the necessary tools and capabilities to detect and prevent persistent attacks. With advanced threat hunting capabilities, security teams can stay proactive in identifying and eliminating emerging threats and defend their business processes effectively.

  • Comprehensive Visibility

  • Log Retention, Indexing and Query

  • MITRE Attack Mapping

  • Threat Intelligence

  • Tailored Ruleset

  • Command Monitoring

  • Customizable Dashboard

Log Data Analysis

Log data analysis involves reviewing logs generated by network devices, endpoints, and applications to gain visibility into an IT infrastructure. Log data analysis helps security teams to meet regulatory requirements, detect and remediate threats, and identify application errors and other security issues. NativeSOC collects, analyzes, and stores logs from your infrastructure in real-time.

  • Security threat detection

  • Regulatory Compliance

  • Seamless integration with third party solutions

  • Holistic view of an entire IT infrastructure

  • Scalability and Performance

Vulnerability Detection

NativeSOC offers a complete suite of capabilities to help you protect your IT infrastructure against vulnerabilities and cyber threats. Using a risk-based approach to prioritize vulnerabilities, NativeSOC makes it easier for security teams to focus on the most critical issues first.

  • Simplified query and analysis

  • Automated vulnerability detection

  • Asset visibility

  • Risk Prioritization

  • Multi Platform Compatibility

  • Security Configuration Assessment

Security Operations

Incident Response
Incident response is the set of actions and processes organizations take to respond to threats detected in their infrastructure. It helps mitigate the impact of cyber-attacks on critical assets and business operations. NativeSOC helps security teams quickly detect, analyze, and effectively respond to security incidents.

  • Automated Incident response

  • Streamlined operations

  • Third Party integrations

  • Reduced dwell time

Regulatory Compliance

NativeSOC simplifies the fulfillment of regulatory compliance obligations by offering a robust solution that addresses the specific requirements of industry standards. NativeSOC helps to meet the technical requirements of regulatory standards such as PCI DSS, HIPAA, GDPR, and others. 

  • Audit Infrastructure

  • Streamline Compliance activities

  • Support for several compliance standards

  • Create custom policies and security controls

  • Generate compliance report

IT Hygiene

IT hygiene refers to the best practices and measures that help to maintain the security, availability, and efficiency of an organization's IT infrastructure. Threat actors typically take advantage of security weaknesses when there is poor IT hygiene. Organizations need to implement good IT hygiene practices to prevent cyberattacks, data breaches, and other security threats that can lead to data loss, service disruption, reputational damage, or financial instability. NativeSOC helps maintain the IT hygiene of your infrastructure, including on-premises and cloud workloads.

  • System inventory

  • Security Configuration  Assessment

  • Regulatory Compliance

  • Vulnerability Management

  • Malware Detection

Cloud Security

Container Security

Container security involves the implementation of security measures to protect containers and the underlying infrastructure from potential threats throughout their lifecycle. NativeSOC helps organizations secure their containerized environments by providing real-time monitoring and threat detection.

  • Threat Detection

  • Auditing orchestration platforms

  • Container Health monitoring

  • Monitor container runtime

  • Container inventory

Posture Management

Cloud security posture management (CSPM) involves evaluating, enhancing, and maintaining an organization's cloud security posture. It helps secure workloads in cloud environments by identifying security risks and ensuring compliance with regulatory standards.

  • Cloud provider integration

  • Cloud security configuration assessment

  • Regulatory compliance

  • Incidence response

Cloud Workload Protection
Cloud workload protection is a practice that ensures all cloud resources are adequately monitored and protected. NativeSOC protects cloud workloads on platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and Office 365.

  • Log analysis

  • Threat detection and response

  • Vulnerability management

  • File integrity monitoring

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